Aurora Heat Featured in The Globe and Mail for Product Innovation in Sustainability

Drawing of Aurora Heat's founder Brenda Dragon with her mom Jane Dragon

Aurora Heat is honoured to make the 'Good News' Business section in Canada's renowned Globe and Mail! The article describes our vision of living in harmony with nature, giving Indigenous youth opportunity, and protecting the Land.

Here are a few of our favourite excerpts from Aurora Heat's President & Founder, Brenda Dragon, which you can read in the full article. Additionally, we've made it easy for you to see products that were featured in the Globe and Mail below.

  • "We employ skilled local craftspeople and Northerners to create products that are all-natural and authentic. We're providing flexible employment for myself and others. I employ mostly Indigenous youth and they are essential to our success."

  • "Indigenous peoples have used fur for warmth for centuries. Over the last few generations, society has turned increasingly to synthetic and disposable products." 

  • "Fur is a natural product. We have to think more about what 'natural' means. As an environmental activist, it is important to me to be authentic and practice sustainability in my business and my life"

Featured Aurora Heat™ Collection